About the Care Village Community
Community is "a feeling of fellowship with others, as a result of sharing common attitudes, interests, and goals".
I'm Joyce and I started this organization to help family care givers, initially. I realized, while being a caregiver myself, that our health and wellness suffers from the strain of an overburdened life. I found ways to maintain my health but sometimes it was very difficult. I realized that the one thing that was missing was community. I had a work community and personal friends but no one who was in the same situation as I was at that time.
I looked at what tools could be used to make my life better. It was difficult to find the information I needed and it took a lot of time. I realized I needed an army of helpers just to find information and resources. I didn't have the time to search endlessly. This is one of the challenges I'd like to solve in the Care Village Community. If we help one another, whether it be for a care or wellness issue, our time searching is cut in half or better.
One aspect of people helping other people that seemed to be a huge challenge was money. Where do you get the money to hire someone to do something that you can't do yourself? That's when the Care Exchange came to me. If I could help someone with something they needed, maybe someone would also help me with something I needed. Everyone has a talent they can share. Our care exchange allows people within a care community to exchange time with one another in the community without cost. Read more about it on the Care Exchange page.
I've come across some good products, services, and organizations that can be helpful. One, for example, is CBD. By accident, I discovered CBD (Cannabidiol) when my dog Jazzy, started having seizures when she was 3 years old. After many medications prescribed by a neurologist, I decided to try CBD oil after reading how it helped a little girl named Charlotte in Coloraeo. CBD allowed us to keep Jazzy with us for another 4 years. Now, my 94 year old mother takes CBD daily as do I, my son, and many customers. I use salve and tincture. Although it's not an FDA approved treatment, it is legal in California and many other states. Our's doesn't have any THC in it (the psycho-active component that produces a "high"). CBD is safe and effective but we can't make any claims.
Hospice has been incredibly helpful with my mother. It's given us the freedom to make choices that are right for her. And it's taken the burden from me of questioning whether I was making the right decisions. There should be an expansion of palliative care for those who want comfort care but are not ready for hospice. Hospice is covered by Medicare, palliative care is not.
As we live this journey, there's so much we can share with one another. No one wants to think about these issues if you don't need to. And when you need to think about them, you won't have the time. So let's support one another. Let's form a community of family caregivers so that we all can live happier, fulfilled lives.
I'm looking forward to helping us all find the resources we need. I am excited about seeing forums spring up in different communities, online and otherwise that bring us together in a spirit of cooperation and caring.
Be part of our community because it DOES take a village. Help us grow this community of care and compassion.
I wish you good health, wellness, and happiness.
Joyce Thomas